Newsletter 17th March 2023

Event Calendar

February 2025
161718 19202122


Congratulations to the following students who received their Principal Awards last Friday. Well done to: Jack Grey, Luca Webster, Elijah Piri – Revell, Sami Wilson, Aiden Bowler, Harry Johnston, Jack Claassens, Sophia Ruach, Lincoln Moss, Melinda Turrell, Tia Piri – Revell, Tamara Welsh – Lambert and Matilda Lee.


The Assistant Principal award from Mr. Price went to the JSC reps who all gave up their lunchtimes to sell icy poles. A mighty effort!

The Assistant Principal award from Mrs. Maguire went to Jamal Hayes for showing kindness and consideration towards his younger siblings.


After performing well at the School Athletics Day, 44 students have been selected to represent the school at the District Athletics Carnival on Tuesday the 28th of March at the Harold Preston Reserve in Traralgon. Students will be pitted against talented youngsters from the other Traralgon schools, most with athletics experience, but we are confident our students will hold their own and prove themselves to be tough competitors. We wish them all the best.

We congratulate all of our students for their efforts and also acknowledge the performance of our Age Champions listed below.

Athletics Age Champions 2023
8/9 GirlsSunday DENG 
10 GirlsLily COOPER 
11 GirlsGemma CLARK 
12/13 GirlsJirra PENDER 
8/9 BoysRocco ZIMBOLANI
10 BoysTau ILAIAFI 
10 BoysLawrence SUTHERLAND
11 BoysGoy DENG
12/13 BoysWarren SUTHERLAND 


Congratulations to Emily Whiting for competing at the Regional Swimming. She came 5th in backstroke with a time of 48s and 7th in freestyle with a time of 39s. A fantastic achievement, Emily!


The Junior School Council is again running the Random Acts of Kindness Award during 2023. If you see your child doing an act of kindness, please write it down on a piece of paper and place it in the Random Acts of Kindness box at the front office or alternatively send Mr. Price a XUNO message with the random act on it and he’ll pop it in the box for you. Each JSC meeting we draw out one winner who receives a certificate and a $20 K-Mart voucher.


Parent/Teacher interviews will be held in Week 10 (beginning Monday March 27), between 3.10pm and 5pm. Having these in Term One gives teachers and parent/carers an opportunity to act early upon anything that requires attention, eg are they wearing their glasses, is home reading an expectation, is their attitude okay, do they need extra help with their maths etc. Please note that parents/carers who have already had Student Support Group meetings, do not need to make another time to meet with teachers.

May be an image of text that says "Parent Teacher Interviews Parent/Teacher /Teacher Interviews will be held on Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th March between 3.10pm and 5pm. (Mrs Kersten's 3/4 K and Miss Dabelstein's 5/6D will be on Tuesday 28th and Wednesday 29th) Please note that parents/carers who have already had Student Support Group meetings, do not need to make another time to meet with teachers."

May be an image of text that says "HOW ΤΟ BOOK PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS ON XUNO On your XUNO app, click on the menu button on the top left hand corner aand scroll down to full XUNO. Click the 3 lines menu in the top right hand side corner •Select "School: and the "Parent Teacher Interviews" •Select a time for your child's interview •Ifyou have more than one child, you will need need to book a time for each child"


We held our AGM on Monday March 6th.

Parent representatives: Kellie Scott (President), Tracey Marriott, Melissa Lovett and Abraham Malual.

Co-opted community representatives:  Marcel van Lankveld and Linda O’Neill.

DE&T representatives:  Tracey Maguire, Kristy Arkley and myself.

We look forward to working as a team to support the best interests of our students here at LRPS.


We are again running the Respectful Relationships Program in 2023 which sees all of our students developing their understanding of what respectful relationships are. They cover topics like emotional literacy, personal strengths, positive coping, problems solving, stress management, help seeking, and positive gender relations. At the moment most of our classes are covering topic one, emotional literacy, which looks at identifying our emotions, emotional triggers and positive peer support.



We have received a grant for $371,000 to remove and replace our perimeter fencing. This work will be undertaken in the coming months. This fencing will go around the school ensuring that our school is more secure from acts of vandalism. Please note that the perimeter fencing around the oval is not part of this work.