Newsletter 18th October 2024

Event Calendar

November 2024
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Susan Sleswick is retiring as of this week after 20 years of service to our school.

Susan started at Liddiard Road back in 2004. She has undertaken two significant roles at our school over this time. Susan was an ES Officer in her early years working and supporting individual students within classrooms. Since that initial period, Susan joined the Wellbeing team, working across the school, again providing support to students, teachers and families.

For over 20 years Susan has been a familiar face around the school; always friendly, always welcoming, and always in there doing her best to help others. Her contribution to our school and school community have been outstanding and will be greatly missed. I’m sure that I speak for all of our school community in wishing Susan all the best in retirement.


A HUGE thank you to Mrs. Fenech, the concert committee, teachers, ES staff and students for all of the time and energy they put into preparations for this year’s special concert event. As I’m sure everyone would agree, the performances were a great indicator of how hard work and persistence pays off. It was also a spectacular display of the children’s talents and their growing confidence. The feedback from the audience was also very positive and it was a show that was enjoyed by all. Congratulations everyone.

Facebook post


Both of our camps are happening this term. The Grade 5/6’s will head to Waratah Bay in November and the Grade 3 / 4’s to Woorabinda next week.

If you are yet to finalise payment or return forms for these camps, can you please do so ASAP, so that we can finalise numbers and plan accordingly.

Please see XUNO for all important camp information.


In keeping with our SunSmart Policy, children are required to wear a broad brimmed hat during Term 4. Hats are not only required for recess and lunch but also for PE sessions. 

We ask that all children have a school approved hat at school for the rest of this term. Given that exposure to UV during childhood and adolescence is a major factor in determining future skin cancer risk, children without a hat will be required to sit in a designated shaded area.

Hats are available at the school office for $10.

SCHOOL CLOSURE DAY (Monday November 4th)

Monday 4th November will be a student free day here at school. Staff will be using this curriculum day for student reporting purposes. Please note that the following day, (Tuesday November 5th) is Melbourne Cup Day….a public holiday.


Get your Colour on, Liddiard Road P.S. is hosting a Colour Explosion Run 4 Fun!

Our Colour Explosion Run 4 Fun will be on the 29th of November from 12 to 3pm.

Not only are we hosting an awesome Colour Explosion Run 4 Fun, but student’s can also win up to 15 unique prizes by fundraising via online sponsorship donations.

Students have received a sponsorship book with instructions on setting up their cybersafe, online fundraising profile at This is an entirely online fundraiser; all cash donations must be converted to online donations to redeem your prizes.

Extra Incentives to Fundraise!

  • Online Golden Coins – complete fun online tasks to redeem an extra $75 towards your prize credit.
  • Monty the Monstar’s Bonus Prizes – achieve milestones to unlock Monty’s bonus prizes.
  • $10,000 Budget Booster Bonanza Spending Spree for one organisation’s highest fundraising student
  • Our school will win an extra $5,000 if we have the highest average fundraised amount per student in 2024.
  • A Play Station 5 Gaming Bundle – see your child’s sponsorship booklet for more!

For more information, please contact Richard Price on 51741795 or message through Xuno.

Happy fundraising!