Parent/Student/Teacher Relationships

Parents are strongly encouraged to become active partners in their child’s education.  Great value is placed on the home-school partnership as a means of ensuring that education is a shared responsibility.


Parents can support the staff and their children’s education, by participating in excursions, sporting and cultural activities, assisting in classroom and intervention programs and processing resources.


Liddiard Road PS Staff List

Meetings & Reporting Times
Parent/Student and teacher meetings provide an opportunity to develop a good working relationship and discuss academic and personal learning goals.


Parents will be kept informed on a regular basis of each child's program, academic progress, attitude to school life and level of achievement. Communication with parents includes information nights, parent/student/teacher interviews and the preparation of formal reports.


Parents or teachers are free to request further parent-teacher interviews at any time. If you wish to talk at length to a teacher please contact the Principal or Assistant Principal so an appointment time can be arranged.


Term One
Parent information evening
Student/parent/teacher interviews
Term Two (end of term)
Written reports sent home

Term Three
Student/parent/teacher interviews - By appointment
NAPLAN results sent to parents - Years 3 and 5 only

Term 4 (end of Term)
Written reports sent home

Parent Education & Involvement
We welcome and are most appreciative of the tremendous contributions made by parents to our school programs.  Such involvement assists us in the achievement of many of our academic and social objectives.


Parents can support the staff and their children’s education, by participating in excursions, sporting and cultural activities, assisting in classroom and intervention programs and processing resources.